Be a Corporate Sponsor
Contributions of Time, Talent and Treasure: the engines that fuel The Senior Connection!
Time – 95% of the direct services provided through The Senior Connection are provided by volunteers! A few hours of time makes an enormous difference in the lives of so many!
Talent – The mission of The Senior Connection is accomplished because of the many talented people who contribute ideas, management skills, and energy!
Treasure – Some dollars are also needed! Contributions to The Senior Connection keep the phones ringing and provide the infrastructure to coordinate services. A small cash investment in The Senior Connection pays big community dividends!
Bronze Level Sponsor
- Certificate of Appreciation
- Listing on all Public Relations Pieces printed by The Senior Connection (TSC)
- Special Recognition on TSC’s Website and on TSC’s Office Bulletin Boards
- Special Recognition at TSC’s Annual Volunteer Recognition Event and One Guest Seat
Silver Level Sponsor
$1,500 All privileges of Bronze Level Sponsors, plus:
- Two Guest Seats at TSC’s Annual Volunteer Recognition Event
- Exhibit Space at TSC’s Annual Volunteer Recognition Event and at TSC’s Major Training/Conference Events
- Brochure and Advertising Tokens included in “goodie bags” distributed at TSC’s Annual Recognition Event and SC’s Major Training/Conference Events
- “Thank You” Signs posted on 5 computers at TSC’s Seniors On-Line Computer Labs
Gold Level Sponsor
$2,500 All privileges of Silver Level Sponsors, plus:
- Three Guest Seats at TSC’s Annual Volunteer Recognition Event
- “Presented By” Signs posted on 10 computers at TSC’s Seniors On-Line Computer Labs
- Hotlink on TSC’s Website to Sponsor’s Website
- Invitation to Make a Presentation at Annual Volunteer Recognition Event and at TSC’s Major Training/Conference Events
Platinum Level Sponsor
$5,000 All privileges of Gold Level Sponsors, plus:
- Four Guest Seats at TSC’s Annual Volunteer Recognition Event
- “Presented By” Signs posted on 20 computers at TSC’s Seniors On-Line Computer Labs
- Name posted on one of the Seniors On-Line Computer Labs